• There is a built-in 100lb propane bottle that can be filled without removal from trailer.

• Our branding pots have 8 individual burners, giving ample room for irons to be spread out and be consistently heated, compared to the less efficient stacking and heating of irons in traditional pots.

• The pots have a wind shielding design which we've tested in 100km/hr winds, and confirmed that the flame remained constant, and the irons stayed hot.

• There is a propane fridge built in for keeping vaccines cool, a fold-down table for good work space, a storage holder for irons and nordforks, and another rack to hold a cooler for beverages.




Here is a portable branding trailer fully loaded with all the necessities for a branding. The compact design allows for small space requirement in the branding pen, and for brandings that require location moves throughout the day, the trailer can be loaded up in short order, and simply pulled over to the next location. Some safety aspects are that there are no loose propane bottles, no lines that can be ripped out by rogue calves, and branding pots that cannot be knocked over.


The trailer has two fully insulated branding pots to trap heat for maximum efficiency of propane consumption. Traditional pots often run off of 35 pounds of pressure compared to this unit only using a mere 3-4 pounds of pressure. Thus, a 100 lb propane bottle will last for a very long time, and the pots are virtually silent.

Another problem of traditional branding pots is the freezing off of propane bottles. Through research, we've found that the freezing off is due to the high flow of propane, a problem which is eliminated with the lower pressure requirement of this unit.

The trailer can be licensed for the highway with safety chains, and DOT'd axels and lights.
