• Fully portable with bolt on hitch and swing down tires

• Built with strong steel pipes

• Bar that moves forward to squeeze cattle up from behind

• Holding pen that is customizable to the size of your herd

• Sliding door on cattle palpation cage

• Bottom quarters of the chute can be removed to work on feet.





This is portable 30-foot alleyway with a built-in headgate and palpation cage. There is a catwalk spanning the length of the alleyway for easy access to the cattle standing in the alleyway. As well, the unit has removable bottom quarters, medicine doors, and a ratcheting bar that allows safe handling of the cattle from the palpation cage. An added feature is a bolt-on hitch and wheels that swing down when lifted so that the unit can be transported to the next processing location.


Ability to move from pasture to pasture as needed

Increase safety for handlers and cattle

Reduce stress level in cattle
